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Team projects

Rennovis Sales Management App
The Rennovis Sales app is a sales management app that has secure product information and pricing that only specific users can access. Typically used by road salespeople, the app has customer pricing and specific product information for all products sold.

In addition, it allows the salesperson to make a marker on the map for each customer visited. A salesperson can geo-locate the customer's address when at the facility to have an accurate location within 10ft2 of the exact location standing.

Lastly, it acts as on order management system. The customer or the rep can create an order at the customer's facility. When this order is placed, it notifies the office that an order has been placed. It also can update the customer or rep when the status of the order has changed.
Production Manager App

Our customer is an industrial manufacturing facility that coats parts for other businesses with an industrial coating. They had two different pieces of software that that they managed their business with, but didn't have a production control software. They needed to bridge the gap between estimating and billing. Their needs were to track the parts checked in by their customer from drop off to shipping and ensure that they billed the customer.
The job management app maintained the status of the job from check-in to invoicing.

The following processes were recorded for each job checked in.
Take picture of checked in parts
Assignment of job run date
QC Records
Scale Weights
Supervisor Check-Off of Completed Jobs
Shipping Records
Billing Summary
Invoice Records

These processes are tracked throughout the lifecycle of the job. In addition to this, reports are created to see the work-load of the facility.

Inventory Management

When in a production environment, keeping track of what you've done and when you've done it is hard enough, much less keeping up with the new inventory created. We have developed a small footprint application to help you keep track of inventory using "License Plate Numbers" for handling units.

Each handling unit (perhaps pallet) is coded with a barcode as it it produced and tracked throughout it's lifecycle. This allows the warehouse manager to know area or granular location of each part produced.

In addition to tracking, reports can be generated to see what's moving and when throughout a warehouse or production area.

This application can be customized to YOUR needs, contact us for a review today.

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